At conference it is planned to consider following problems:
- An exchange of the newest information on development of
sea coast of the world in conditions of rise of a level of
ocean and active development of sea coasts by the person;
- A critical estimation of the received results and
development of recommendations on their practical
- Discussion of the questions, a concerning level of
scientifically-practical development and modern methods of
- Discussion of ways of possible cooperation with foreign to
researchers of a coastal zone of the sea.
Forms of participation: the plenary report (up to 20 mines),
the oral report (up to 10 mines), the bench report.
From each author one personal report is accepted.
Participation in two reports if even one of them is done in
the co-authorship is admissible.
To lecturers will be given: a computer, a multimedia
projector, an overhead projector.
Bench reports of format А1 (62х87
sm) are accepted.